I can imagine it’s tricky. But it’s so cruicial for the user at the same time 🙂 thank you!
I’ve made the update and the problem sill appears. As I said it was from the beginning and it was not connected with theme version. Could you please fix this bug?
I’ve installed an update and unfortunately the problem is still there. The main menu items are “dead” on mobile.
Using Istallatron app on the server: https://installatron.com/wordpress
I used to test pages in this manner. In case of other themes this solution was always OK, the files as well as theme settings were copied.
It isn’t exactly what I was looking for. The image is hidden but the whole slide is still there – the big white container with duration of 3 seconds without noting inside… so it doesn’t make sense. Nevermind. I’ve deleted this slide for good.
One user showed me this:Â http://prntscr.com/jriucs
It’s not working in chrome propely, I don’t know why
OK, it’s not connected with theme version. It was from the very beginning.
OK, thanks! 🙂
You’re right. Sorry, my fault. Now they are 3.
OK, works great, thank you 🙂
Could you please tell me, why blog images are so huge in mobile view? Especially the height is enormous:Â http://prntscr.com/jqnugq
Great, thanks!
When do you expect to release an update?
You were wrong. I’ve already figured it out. It’s not the issue of 100% width. Usisng some simple animation on that row solved the problem of “jumping out” background.
How can I do that?
I’ll be waiting for an update
Could you please watch the short movie I’ve recorded? And see the problem?
The image should occupy 100% width of the container. When you load the page it doesn’t. It “jumps in”.
My settings are:Â https://prnt.sc/jkropo
No. I’d like to display the full (100% width) image without this strange looking effect:Â https://youtu.be/9cRAxl1nkCE
OK, it was my fault. I thought it will change by itself. Yes, now everything is OK. Thank you for your patience!
how long it will take to develop this feature?
I don’t think that anyone who buy your theme have in mind to check if parent element which works on desktop will work also on mobile. It’s ridiculous.