Solution for this topic
Ok Please ignore, I”ve done a restore.
Solution for this topic
It’s ok, I have enlisted a company to fix this.
This ticket can be closed.
OK, I will look into it, thank you.
That solved the problem, thanks a million!
Best wishes
Thank you, that solved the issue.
Best wishes!
Solution for this topic
That is all really odd as indeed, everything seems back to normal!
Apologies for this.
It’s all good then.
Best wishes
Solution for this topic
Indeed, I can see the image again after clearing the cache.
Many thanks!
I have followed the advice on this forum for general issue with the Revolution Slider:
In the latest major Slider Revolution plugin version there are a lot of changes and now for some users the slides won’t load without enabling one option.
If the slides won’t load please go to:
Site admin panel
In the left admin side click on Slider Revolution
Go to Globals tab
Turn on Include libraries globally option
Click on Save Global Settings
But it didn’t help
Number 2 – should read: between the < head > and < / head > tags
Apologies, please read this message instead:
I was given the following instructions to connect my site to Adsense:
How do I add this custom code to my site without it being overwritten by a new version of Jevelin?
Solution for this topic
Please can you delete this topic.
I have deleted the cache and my site has come back to life!
Thank you
Okay thank you for the advice.
I don’t feel I have the knowledge to fix this 500 error easily.
The article you are linking to is very generic.
Could you recommend a developer that could help me update my theme with this Jevelin Beta version – is this the latest version you have? I’m not a fan of beta version as they rely on the user for testing.
And finally, a very odd thing.
I found the product pages on my website in perfect formatting:
But the shop homepage is all broken.
Looking at the back end, the URL of the shop is correct.
I hope you can help resove this riddle.
You also mentioned a themify theme.
I worked with a developer last year who created another version of the shop:
However I no longer work with this developer and he didn’t finish the work so I decided to revert back to my original shop within my website.
Themify could be an issue how do I got about deleting the above site?
Hello there,
Okay, I’m back.
It doesn’t appear to be a plugin conflict.
I have deactivated all plugins apart from Unyson and it didn’t appear to solve the issue once I refreshed the page.
When I am on the WooCommerce page in my blog admin page, I have the following message:
Your theme (Jevelin) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. You can see which files are affected from the system status page. If in doubt, check with the author of the theme.
My shop was up and running with no issue when this message was showing last year, so again, I’m not sure it is an issue but I thought I’d flag it.
I also wanted to mention that I haven’t been able to update the Jevelin theme for one year. Last time I did it, I had a 500 error which led me to revert to a previous version of my site.
Let me know your thoughts
Thank you
Yes it could be a plugin conflit, I will try this.
I’m not sure about the theme. It worked fine before and I didn’t touch the shop since then.
I will check early next week, as I am on holiday right now. Please bear with me.
Thank you
On this blog post:
I pasted the link:
Which shows, when published, not as an URL but as the corresponding post title with its images (see attached image) .
On this page (password: carnival1!)
I tried to do the same, and actually when previewing the draft, I could see the images and titles of the pages published.
But now that I’ve published the page, I can only see URLs
I hope this makes sense
Thank you
Thank you for the recommendation.
For the time being, I am simply pasting the links of the subpages into the master page.
However, the URLs I paste into the page do not resolve into images and page title when published.
It is peculiar as these URLs did resolve into an image and page title when the page was still on a draft and I was using the preview.
Can you help?
Thank you
Okay, thank you.
Sounds like I’ll never be able to update my theme again.