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  • webalchemy

    I’m trying to get it to look and function just like this blog’s homepage:



    -It needs to have navigation bar on bottom of the header

    -Search beside our main menu(menu left aligned to logo and search to the right)

    -The search can’t be in a popup or overlay

    -The navbar has to be sticky – the rest can hide on scroll

    -Want logo to the left and social media to the right above navbar

    -Don’t need the vertical post scroller at the top at all

    -Blog post titles need to behave as on this site on top of the picture

    -Main menu dropdowns needs to function in a similar fashion with the categories on the left then two latest posts to the right within the menu



    in reply to: Refund


    I also don’;t like how it turns off the contact info block on mobile – we want it to remain there but it disappears.


    I noticed icons are not showing up beside things like phone numbers in IE 11. BTW how would I go about adding a menu bar to be below the sticky header (i don’t want the nav in the header itself because we are adding a standard search bar beside the menu items). I tried to do this but the background of my menu bar is transparent in older versions of Google Chrome on Windows.




    What is the thumbnail name used in the theme on the blog grid? I can regenerate them but I need to know what the size and name is.




    Also want to make the images all the same size on the blog homepage

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