I just wondering…
I try both… Chrome and Firefox
On my pc with windows10
not working…
It is working in my android phone….
After theme update all problems fixed.
Yesterday, after WP update to version 5.4, I noticed that there is a problem again with hover images an opening in lightbox on image slider.
You could see the problem in this page
Please could you please check it and propose me any solution?
I’m sorry that come back … but there is something that I noticed.
The problem is not due to the editor.
The problem also appears and in pages that created with new editor.
It appears when in page there is the element ‘Blog posts’ or ‘Woo Recent Products AJAX’.
When there is any other element on the page then there is no problem.
I think it’s important and may could help you to fix it sooner.
I’m sorry to come back … but there is still something missing.
How to turn on the overlay and zoom-in effect.
Like on this page
this page
Thank you for your response.
When this issue will be fixed how will I be informed.
There will be a new update?
I will wait.
Thank you for your response.
Unfortunatelly the problem was not completely solved …
That is, the image opens in lightbox but the overlay does not work.
It also doesn’t show where you need to click on the image to open the lightbox.
Is there any solution about it?
You are right. I thought you would.
I did an article titled “Test page with gallery — Unyson” (see it Blog Posts) on backend.
In frontend you can see it here.
As you see the photos not opens in lightbox…
You have right. On new pages there isn’t any error.
This error caused on pages created with previous version.
Althought this error fortunately the page is saved.
Have you any idea what causes this error and how could I correct?
Without rebuilding the pages from scratch…
Please login in my site.
The site is demo, so you could change anything you want.
Then describe me the problem and the solution to make it in my live site.
Sorry about that.
Please check now.
There isn’t any problem with plugins.
I just looked for it and finally I find that this isn’t activate in blog posts.
When I use it in any page working fine…
Do you knew that? Is there any solution about it?
Thank you for your response.
See my demo site here http://iekmesol.sch.gr/demo/
Already I have make page with this method. See the page of NEWS menu.
My question is about how select blog style for the page displaying when I click on category link of a post (how select blog layout of category pages like http://iekmesol.sch.gr/demo/category/publicity/).
Also after select a month from History on sidebar, for example I want when I select May 2016 (the last item in list) the blog layout to be Grid and not Masonry.
Is any setting that I can select the default blog layout?
Please could you login in my site and check.
Already I have enable the debug option in wp config file.
The problem is dispaying when I save Home page.
PS The site is demo, so you could change anything you want.
After installation the final version I have the same problem…
I was looking for this and I find that when delete the <?php Jevelin_Schema::blog(); ?> from content.php file problem solved!
Could you please check why this cause the problem?