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Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Category Container + Filter not Showing posts
Dear Support,
Category Container + Filter and Category Container + List
does not show any posts.
Need a help to fix the issue, you may check the attached screenshot , also in a website at https://iviki.ru/about/.
Thanks in Advance.
Hi @Art7755,
Sorry to hear of the problem you are having.
We are working on this issue to be fixed as reported in the following topic.
The issue will be fixed ASAP.
In the meanwhile if possible please try to make category name and slug same as it seems it doesn’t work when category name and slug are different.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Dear Shufflehound team,
It did work the way you said with using “Category slug”, but it shows the category name by “Slug name” and in English.
As you noticed my Website is in Russian, Just simply can’t have categories in that way, it would be perfect that mentioned Slug will be automatically converted to its original Category name (whatever slug I will mention).
or I will have to change the Language from Root.
I will keep this on the website for now, so you may need to check it out on the website at https://iviki.ru/about/
Thanks in Advance
Yes i could confirm the issue on your site and we are working on it to resolve.
Thank you, please let me know whenever it will be done, so I can switch English Categories into Russian.
Meantime, I have attached a photo, with regards to HTML Structor,
Whenever I am browsing the website through Internet Explorer , in HEADER (sh-header-top) and FOOTER(mc4wp-form-1) sections have some issue, please check attached Photo.
How Can I fix those issues?
Yes sure we will let you know.
Could you please tell me which version of Internet Explorer browser you are using?
Please make sure you are using latest version of it.
I am Using Version 11, I have tried in 10 different Computers all of them version 11, with only on 2 of the computers shows correct, the other 8 still the same issue.
Could you check it in your End Please?
You can resolve it by adding the following CSS code in the Custom CSS code option of your theme on the below path.
Admin Area -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code
.widget-item .mc4wp-form input[type=email] { line-height: 3.8; } .sh-header-top .container { margin: 0 auto; float: none; }
Also we have resolved the category filter issue in the following theme version so please try using it.
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Dear Shufflehound Support Team,
Thanks a Lot for your Support, that All the issues have been fixed.
I will add the CSS code and will update my current version to 1.4.3, if there is anything will Let you know.
P.S. Since the template belongs to you, there is nobody else than you can help me with my questions below:
I will really appreciate your opinion with regards to over mentioned
You are most welcome here 🙂
Whether Your template supports Multilingual features
As of Now I have 11 Categories created and they all shown on the (“header-navigation”), is it a good ideas to create 11 separate pages and connect them to the categories, so I can still show them on “header-navigation”, this is from the aspect of SEO
You can display 11 Categories as a submenu under Categories menu but you don’t need to create 11 separate pages for it as you can just link automatically created Categories archive pages in menu.
That is exactly the way I did Like you just explained.
The only reason I wanted to create separate pages, just because I want for each Category when the User Clicks want to show/use “Blog Slider Widget” , the same Like Home/Front Page
Please check attached Photo or https://iviki.ru
If there is or you could give me a hint and alternate option to do it, for sure I wont Create separate Pages for each category.
In Advance, I want to Thank you for your help and support.
Ok I understood but there isn’t any other way to achieve it.
Dear Support,
Category Container + Filter and Category Container + List
does not show any posts in Russian Language, it is only showing when I am mentioning the Slug in English.
I have Update the Child also, According to your new Update on March 3rd
Looking forward and answer from you.
I can see you are still using older version of Gillion theme on your shared site so please update it to the following latest version of it.
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Yes, I have Downloaded 1.5.0 version yesterday and Updated with the gillion-child.zip file only.
So, probably was not this enough?
Yes it is not enough.
You have to also update parent Gillion theme and not only child theme.
The thing is:
Now, the question is, if I update the Parent Gillion Theme to the current version 1.5.0, will it overwrite and harm and re-change the above mentioned points?
Thanks in advance
It will overwrite the above changes only if you have made any changes in the Gillion parent theme files which is not recommended at all.