Bar above Top Bar

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Home Forums Gillion Theme Bar above Top Bar

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  • guicepeda

    I need to implement a bar above the top bar.

    I tried to implement via Insert Headers and Footers, but once i turn ok the plugin, the main slide in home disappear. I also tried to implement direct in the main code, in the header.php, but again, the slide was gone.

    How can i fix that?

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    Hi @guicepeda,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    To achieve this, you have to develop custom code in the child theme of Gillion theme.


    Developing custom code for custom functionality is beyond the scope of support that we provide here.


    If you are not a developer then you can consider hiring a developer to develop it for you. You can hire a developer from any freelance site. Shufflehound recommends the developer


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team


    The code to add the bar I have, what I can not do is add it in any way, since I already tried it directly in the code, per plugin and none of it was due to limitations in the layout.


    The bar even appears (as it should), but add the first slide area, that is, it is not out of your support part, because it is something that the theme is not letting you do (and it’s something super simple), not a bar error.

    Please see in the below page what is included in the theme support.



    You want to customize the theme top bar and the support does not include customization services.


    It’s not customization, I just need to add a bar above the top bar of the site, however if I do this, the slide stops working.


    If you look at the print I sent, you will see that it is not a customization, but adding an extra bar, even showing the two bars there, and that the slide has disappeared.


    <ul class=”t-icon-list -icon-size-s -font-size-s h-mb2″>
    <li class=”t-icon-list__item -color-primary -icon-ok”>Assistance with reported bugs and issues

    It’s a bug, because if i add the top bar, the rest of the home is gone, so it’s a bug, not a customization.

    I think I didn’t explain it correctly so here I am explaining you again in simple words.


    We can help you to achieve whatever is displayed on the below Gillion theme demo site which displays functionality that the theme provides.


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