CDN Problem resized thumnails

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Home Forums Gillion Theme CDN Problem resized thumnails

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  • hgvj



    I was finally ready to go multi-language. So yesterday i first started with enabling a CDN. Everything works great! Except one thing, i know it is possible with your theme because the demo is also working on CDN. I checked that before i bought it. 😉


    But now, the problem is with the blog thumbnails that are showing for example at a category page. Those images won’t be pushed to the CDN. For example see this report:



    As you can see, the header logo isn’t on CDN. But the major and a strange problem is that only images in the size of 420×265 are not on CDN.


    I have tried almost everything but can’t find a solution for myself. I really hope you can help me with this. It’s very important to me.


    Best regards,




    Hi Jeroen,


    I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.


    You can see all the images are stored in the directory /wp-content/uploads/ which is default directory for storing WordPress images.


    I am not sure why those images are not on CDN but could you please contact CDN support regarding this?


    Best regards,
    Shufflehound team

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