Difference of the Image caption scale

Home Forums Gillion Theme Difference of the Image caption scale

Home Forums Gillion Theme Difference of the Image caption scale

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  • taegun

    Hi. Support team.

    I have found some differences between the size of image captions on the post.Β  You could find the problem in the attached file which differs right and left image caption size.
    For consistency, I want to keep the same size as the image captions.
    Could you give me a tip? I hope your respond.

    Thanks for your service.


    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Hi there,


    Would it be possible to inspect your website? Because to best answer to your question we would need to see your website setup.


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team


    Hi shufflehound

    Thank for your response.
    You could check the site(greenium.kr) definitely. What can I do for you?


    Thank you for showing us your website.

    There could be a multiple solutions for your issue:

    • Cropping images manually on your device
    • Cropping manually inside WordPress by going to Media and editing images
    • Cropping images automictically, for example – you can go to “Settings > Media” and change “Medium crop” size dimensions to dimensions you want to use and then just use medium crop size when inserting images in posts content


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team


    I’m always thanks for your response.

    I have another issue i.e. text size of the caption in the image.
    You could see the different text sizes between the main and middle features in the same post.
    Please check the attached image file above.
    Could you tell me how to set the same text size in the caption of the image?

    Best Regards.


    Solution for this topic

    We don’t have an option for that, but we can create a custom CSS to change it.

    If you want to make all captions smaller then use this:

    .wp-block-image figcaption {
        font-size: 11px!important;
        color: #8d8d8d;


    If you want to make all captions larger then use this one:

    .post-thumnail-caption {
        font-size: inherit!important;
        color: inherit!important;


    Here is a tutorial on how to use this custom CSS snippets.

    Hope it helps. πŸ™‚


    I really appreciate it.
    That’s what I really want to know. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚πŸ™‚


    Great that we could help. πŸ™‚

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