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Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › mega menue does not work
Hi, I have problems with the megamenue.
4 month ago I works fine ion my other site (screenshot 3_)
Now I created the mnagamenue (screenshot_01), but I connto see the settings-Button and after saving the menue button changes from megamenue to categorie (screenshot 2)
best regards
Could you please display the blog posts by configuring the mega menu settings as shown in the attached screenshot?
Could you please share your site URL where it’s happening so that I can troubleshoot it?
<div class=”sh-bbp-replies-center-description”>
I send the URL an Login (Private information field) to you. Does it work?
Yes, you can share it privately by adding them in the box having text “Enter your private content here (only you and forum moderators will be able to see it)”.
Yes, I sent the login data already on friday. Does not matter: Please give me your input in case of megamenu.
I logged into your website and deactivated the Unyson plugin and the mega menu started displaying fine now.
Could you please confirm it?
Thx, it works great!
I dont need the Unyson plugin any more for the whole Website?
If you have upgraded to the redux framework then you don’t need the Unyson plugin anymore.