Remove Post Title from Titlebar

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Home Forums Gillion Theme Remove Post Title from Titlebar

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  • [email protected]

    Dear Gillion Team,

    I would like to remove the Post Title from the Titlebar, it’s not possible from the theme costumize options even when leaving this field empty.

    Can you please provide a php code to implemented in the theme’s functions.php that removes this element from the DOM from the backend side?

    See image attached.

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    Hi there,


    We could consider to create an option for that.

    So just to make sure we understood it correctly – you’d like an option where the post title doesn’t show up in the breadcrumbs, just so it doesn’t appear in two spots on the page?


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team

    [email protected]

    That’s correct.

    I would like to have the breadcrumbs only.

    [email protected]

    In the meanwhile, can you provide a php code to implemented in the theme’s functions.php so we can remove the title?





    Hi there,


    We just added an option in the theme settings under the titlebar to show or hide the title:

    Please login to access this file


    Please test it and let us know if that works! πŸ™‚


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound team

    [email protected]

    Great. It works.

    Will this new feature be included in Gillion 4.8 build and future builds as well? This will help me determine if I can continue to update the theme as usual without it being overwritten.




    Great! πŸ™‚

    Yes, the feature is included in the live version 4.8.

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