Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Widget Element overlaid after scroll down and up again
Home › Forums › Gillion Theme › Widget Element overlaid after scroll down and up again
Hi there
I have one widget element (“Werbung”) on the right side of all blog article pages. E.g. here https://www.petitchapeau.de/auszeit-am-genfer-see-an-der-schweizer-riviera/
The headline of the widget (html) is “Werbung”. If you scroll down and up to the top of the page again the headline is hidden by the sub-navigation.
Please help how I can fix that. I have attached screenshots from before and after scrolling.
Yes, we were able to confirm this issue.
Could you please disable any performance optimization plugins temporarily to see if that resolves the problem? Such plugins can often cause similar issues.
Additionally, could you confirm if your theme is updated to the latest version?
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Yes, I am using Gillion 4.9
Disabling the performance plugins did not help solving the issue.
Hi there,
Sorry for our late response.
That is strange. Did you manage to fix it? If yes, how?
Currently, the Werbung widget seems to be working fine for us even after scrolling.
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Yes it is solved now. Not sure how. But maybe because it’s not sticky anymore…
The sidebar seems to still be sticky.
We’ll close this issue for now.
Please let us know if it happens again.