Solution for this topic
Yeah, thanks already fixed š
My website: Mostafa Amini
You can check CSS code here
Hello again,
I have some problems with the Theme Option.
.post-meta, .post-categories, .post-switch-item-right, .sh-read-later-review-score, .sh-nav a, .sh-nav-container a, .sh-comment-date a, .post-button .post-button-text, .widget_categories li, .sh-dropcaps, .sh-dropcaps-full-square, .sh-dropcaps-full-square-border, .sh-dropcaps-full-square-tale, .sh-dropcaps-square-border, .sh-dropcaps-square-border2, .sh-dropcaps-circle, .comment-body .reply, .sh-comment-form label, blockquote, blockquote::after, .post-review-score, .sh-comment-author a, .sh-header-top .sh-nav a, .post-quote-link-content p, .instagram-post-overlay-container, .widget_categories li .count, .sh-login-popup, .widget-learn-more, .gillion-woocommerce ul.products li.product, .gillion-woocommerce div.product div.summary > :not(.woocommerce-product-details__short-description), .gillion-woocommerce div.product .woocommerce-tabs ul.tabs li a, .gillion-woocommerce #review_form, .gillion-woocommerce .widget_shopping_cart .cart_list > li > a:not(.remove), .gillion-woocommerce .widget_shopping_cart .total, .gillion-woocommerce .woocommerce-MyAccount-navigation ul li, .gillion-woocommerce table thead, body.woocommerce-account.woocommerce-page:not(.woocommerce-edit-address) .woocommerce-MyAccount-content > p, .gillion-woocommerce .woocommerce .button, .gillion-woocommerce #coupon_code, .sh-instagram-widget-with-button .null-instagram-feed .clear a {font-family: “Use Default Font”;}
But this is a property of yours that called “(Blog slider) Gillion blog posts slider” so I think there is a specific file on the theme that needs to be modified.
Yeah add RTL: true to the scrip.js but this script is not for this slider I notice that slide is blog-slider-m245xuiwGO and this class added with VC and between the slider code begin is a script that I paste to you in my 2nd post,
we need to modify a file code related to Visual Composer that will generate this code.
Please check the screenshot below, we need to add this parameter to the file that will generate this code.
Thanks but you know still i don’t know how do fix this issue? Im not sure about witch file need to be edit to get this problem fixed.
Im sure that need to modify a file of VC that.
It will be add from VC and I think i have to edit another file for this š
Thanks for the info but I think I have to edit this part of the code
before the slider code, a script is like blow and i need to add rtl: true attribute
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
if( $.isFunction( $.fn.slick ) ) {
autoplay: true,
autoplaySpeed: 6000,
dots: true,
arrows: true,
swipe: true,
swipeToSlide: true,
cssEase: ‘cubic-bezier(0.445, 0.05, 0.55, 0.95)’,
appendDots: $(‘.blog-slider-m245xuiwGO .blog-slider-dots’),
fade: false,
speed: 500,
slidesToScroll: 0,
prevArrow: ‘<div class=”slick-prev”><i class=”icon icon-arrow-left-circle”></i></div>’,
nextArrow: ‘<div class=”slick-next”><i class=”icon icon-arrow-right-circle”></i></div>’,