Thanks. When will be the stable version of this get released?
Thanks. When will be the stable version of this get released?
When is new release coming with the above feature?
Thanks shared the website link in privatee
Excellent. Waiting for it
Thanks Team.
Please advise this feature added?
Thanks. Waiting for that
Please check image attached in the link
The first image I shared using generatepress theme and there editor shows rectangular box to identify for preformatted tag. You can see in the first image I send
Hi Team,
Thanks for the reply
What I am trying to say is if you look at preformatted text it’s hard to identify between paragraph blocks. If there is a box around it, that pretty helpful. In your screenshot, i don’t see that box around preformatted text
Thanks Support. It fixed the problem
Great help.
Thanks Team.
Done. Please check
Link shared. Please check
Hi Team,
In editor it looks like below. Tried to removed > with >
But it didn’t work
Attached screenshot of code editor and preview.
<!– wp:preformatted –>
PS C:\Users\Shola> ubuntu2004 shola@ltwin10:~$ pwd /home/shola shola@ltwin10:~$ exit logout PS C:\Users\Shola>
<!– /wp:preformatted –>
Hi Team,
For the above link right side. Attached screenshot as well
Thanks much.
Is this beta version ?
I bought from here
This site still showing Software Version WordPress 5.5.x only supported. May this site specific thing 🙂