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  • chudancha

    That does seemed to have worked, thanks!


    I have performed the update, downloading and installing the latest version of Jevelin! I went through appearance settings to see if there was anything new that could help.

    Not sure how I even eliminated the spacing to begin with…


    Ive actually changed the design of my website since posting and cannot edit. I still seem to have a padding or margin issue but will move it to a new post.

    Thank you for your help as the previous suggestions absolutely helped.


    Thank you for your reply, and once again, that definitely helped.


    Im still trying to accomplish my visual goal for the website, and I feel I’m close. The first screenshot shows background using the section background option (at half transparent but appearing solid). If I choose a transparent value it simply turns to white, or if its half transparent it shows the color as a solid (the color mixed with white)  (which makes me think there is background to the background somewhere tucked away)


    If I change the  COLUMN background color it appears BEHIND The  white section background,


    Is there a way to either 1. make it transparent or 2. create the same visual effect : Small accordion aligned on the right side, so that the background image is clearly visible.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by chudancha.
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    Thank you very much for your reply.

    Your advice did work to some extent, although the white padding is what I’m trying to get ride of.


    Secondly, my goal was to have the accordion only take up part of the page, so the visitor or client could take note of the background image. Its sort of an art website. That is why the accordion was offset to the right using a 1/3 blank column.

    So one issue still remains, and that is the white padding to the left and right of the accordion.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by chudancha.
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    Well I’m impressed, thank you! Problem solved.


    Thank you for your time and consideration for what must be a simple question to you; I have found that this has answered my question regarding padding and I am now able to control the padding of all the objects I was building with.

    Thanks again.


    I am completely baffled by where you found that in the menus. Please tell me from the dashboard how to access this menu. I found the column menu which says 0px 15px 0 px 15px.


    Update: I recently found this code you gave on a different post, this helped a lot, but finding that menu would be even more incredible. Thank you very much for your time.

    #content > .fw-page-builder-content > .sh-section {
        padding: 0;
    P.S. Its a little strange to me that these settings aren't displayed clicking the edit button on the column.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by chudancha.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by chudancha.


    You can see it by going to the website with the link above. Its very strange. If i add a column below it, the padding merges but is still there. It seems to be coming from original settings in either unyson or jevelin.

    Note: if i take the text box out of the column it still generates the same amount of “padding”.

    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by chudancha.
    • This reply was modified 5 years ago by chudancha.
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    I don’t know who you are, but you rock. Sorry for wasting your time for something seemingly so simple.


    Dear Shufflehound support,


    I updated the theme through envato market plugin. I have set the overlay to style 3 and I do not detect any change in the way blog posts are handled. I also made a new blog post to see if that would change things, it did not. I also logged out and tried under a different user name.  I also tested style 2 with no difference. It is currently set to style 3.



    Please advise.

    Participant is the URL where you can see the gallery post if needed.


    Screenshot below.

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    Wow, you are pretty incredible. Thanks a lot! Fixed the issue.



    I apologize in advance if you are offended by the material. The site is in a state of transition but as you can see i have tried a few different things and different Facebook videos. Most of the posts are default post settings with video checked.


    Here is another attachment in a smaller format.

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