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  • Good0guy

    I just realized in Templates>Saved Templates, you can make/edit a header with Elementor. You can close this thread. Solved πŸ™‚


    in reply to: Logo size slider


    I have the exact same issue. Just commenting in order to follow the convo. Cheers!





    Cheers! πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Weird thumbnail


    <p style=”text-align: left;”></p&gt;
    It’s on the main page here. Just scroll down πŸ™‚

    It is the preview thumbnail. It’s not very visible but still you can read it

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Good0guy.
    in reply to: Weird thumbnail


    Following. This should be a feature


    Solution for this topic


    The 1st code couldn’t do anything to the widget, bit the 2nd code fixed the container at least. Now I have nice rounded edges.

    I don’t really mind having it a bit narrower.


    You can mark this one solved!



    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    You do realize that I said:Β Register (form on the right) with any email, and go to β€œAdrese” part. You will see it there.Β 


    Unless you need an admin login (which you requested before), I don’t see why you couldn’t just put any email and get into the site as a new user (like you asked for now).


    From my point of view, the only thing you did to” help” me so far was to open the link I sent you and you took that screenshot of basically nothing, thus wasting my time and also yours.


    In my other thread I said I don’t intend to update anything, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t have the latest version installed.

    I actually disabled all WordPress, theme, and plugin updates yesterday,Β because I did some fixes, changes and translations which would be overwritten by an update.


    For example, I correctly translated “X days ago”, and “Xmin read” in your theme to suit my language.


    Example: In English you have “1 hour” and “2-3-…-24 hours“.

    In my language you have “1 sat“, “2-3-4 sata“, “5-6-…-20 sati“, “21 sat“, “22-23-24 sata

    As you can see many different uses of a single word depending on the number before, so I had to write some IF conditions directly in the code and now it works.


    This is why I disabled updates yesterday, and now I won’t need any new features for at least another 12 months.


    I have removed the addresses section completely, as it’s not really that necessary, but if you could find a way to fix it, that would be cool.


    However, if you could find a way to fix the Facebook widget issue, I would like that more.


    Best regards,




    OK. It’s 17:17h where I am. I will unlock it when I go to sleep tonight. I hope to receive a reply in the morning. πŸ™‚



    I had to lock it so people don’t open it now. Could you please tell me the time frame when will you be able to work on this so I can unlock it for that period?


    Well I didn’t.


    I couldn’t find the file which was for that form. So I removed the addresses completely.


    This is in no way a fix, but a complete tuck under the carpet.


    You haven’t been supportive, and you didn’t want to even try to help me with my issue at all. I told you how to replicate the problem, you didn’t even bother to do what I said (register a dummy account and see the problem).


    You asked me if completely wrong fields are the problem, while it was very clear which fields were empty. (the ones in my account > addresses >edit address)


    I’m not pleased with the “support” I got at all.Β 


    Have a good day.




    OK, sooo.. Clearly, the placeholders are missing from the code. Now I just need to find the file for this and update it.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    Ok, since I can’t get a simple answer, I figured I update this myself since someone else might need it as well.

    I just hid this 2. address with a simple code in style.css:

    display: none;


    I will now try to fix the missing placeholders issue.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I removed Border radius and background placeholder, so now it looks somewhat even, but I’d still like to have it fill that gap and have a nice border-radius.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.



    Well now that I translated it, I can’t really test if it’s not translated.


    But I think that’s not a problem since in the checkout form placeholders translated perfectly and there are no problems.


    Nothing against you, but I’d rather not share the login.


    But I still have a feeling that you didn’t quite understand what I asked. Feel free to register as a user with any email, and go to that Address section. You will see then




    Could you please read my first message here? And look at the screen shots.


    I explained that the problem happens when you register and try to add an address.


    I made screenshots that show everything.


    Please read my first message.




    Register (form on the right) with any email, and go to “Adrese” part.

    You will see it there.


    Awesome! Works well now, thanks!


    in reply to: Single Post Meta Data
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