Thank you very much!! It works!
As always efficient and precise!!
Well, I mena exactly that.. If I have more pictures in a Portfolio pages, see the previous link attached, I’d like to be able to scroll/move from one pic to another one just by using the left and right arrow in the keyboar..
Thanks again for your help!!!
Thank you very much!!
It works perfectly!!!
For another time I want to thank you all for the support and the fast answer..
Another question is about the progress bar (tool) in the page.. See in attachmet I want to set the font of the title of the progress bar from bold to light.. If you can help me I’d be grateful..
Thanks a lot for the answer.
It works perfect for the white gap.
While for the hyperlink, this is the page
If you scroll down a bit you can see on the right side the title “links” on the custom field section. (seee attachment).
Thanks a lot!!
Thanks a lot, It almost works…
Bur it’s not working for the gap under the image.. The one after the title and before the text, see attachments..
Another thinks.. I added hyperlink to the text in the page. The just work on the mobile versione and not in the Desktop one.. Any Idea why?
You can try on my Url under the field more..
Thank you!!
It works perfectly!!
Hi, hope you are well today.
How can I at least remove the description under the project when is visualized in the category page.
I used visual builder to custumize the layout of the single pages (maps, text…), due to this what is visualized in the category page is full of code that I want to hide.
Thanks in advance
Thank you so much!!
You are really helpful!!!
Just if someone need it, this is the code to change the color of the arrow aside the porfolio image!!
.sh-gallery .slick-prev,
.sh-gallery .slick-next {
color: #fff
.sh-gallery .slick-prev:hover,
.sh-gallery .slick-next:hover {
color: rgba(255,255,255,0.4);
background-color: rgba(255,255,255,0) ;
I’m really sorry for that. I didn’t get the point of the forum so.
I’ll create a new thread if I’llm need it!
For now thanks a lot for all the support and the answers in others topic!!
Really helpful!!
Did u try to change the padding-bottom to 10 (for example)?
In my case that was another reason..
By the way the solution proposed in the posts don’t allow to see the image in the mobile device.
1) what’s the exactly dimension (px x px) of the standard image in the portfolio gallery?
2) Is it possible to change the colour of the dots and the arrow under and aside of the image in the portfolio gallery?
3) How can I reduce the text size on the previw of the portfolio on the home page? (see attachment).
Link site:
Sorry for the question again..
I need to do excatly the same thing but on the portfolio page (prev and next arrow aside the gallery).
Thanks a lot!!
Invert the code..
see below..
.single-fw-portfolio .sh-ratio-container {
padding-bottom: 0;
.single-fw-portfolio .sh-ratio-content {
max-width: 1000px;
background-size: 100%;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
margin: 0 auto;
height: 620px;
Hi thanks for the fresh answer..
I see that the width is changing but I do not see the height, so the picture is just a line..
Any Idea?
here the link to the problem (see the black line/ pic above the title of the page)
I’ve the same request, Did u manage to find the right code to resize the portfolio images?
Thanks in advance
Done thanks!!
The solution was to install the theme child directly from WP and shift to the new child theme!!
Hi everybody!!
I’m new on the forum but I already thank you for all the past posts.
I’ve the same problem.
I update the theme child by ftp (filezilla) but i don’t see any difference inside javelin setting.
You sudgested to copy some link from the zipped folder of the theme child but I’m confuse of which one should I copy to delete the first image (out of resolution). Can you be more precise? Thank you very much