Sorry, I discovered what the problem was 🙂 My settings needed to all be default.
I just want to make the text in the top bar bigger/ bolder. How can I do this? Is there a way of switching the number to the right instead? See attachment please.
Solution for this topic
Sorry, its not displaying quite as I want. See images attached.
On my current website the background goes all the way down the divider and looks like a background, but in this version its small and displays like an image behind rather than a background.
Yes you can login, I am staging at the moment though so you would need to log into the staged version. How can I give you the details?
It doesn’t look like that worked. Is there a reason why the background isn’t responsive?
Sorry, cant see what I’m meant to use? Can you please offer a more specific solution?
Sorry it just popped up, I select the finances footer as I am using this demo theme however when I select this it removes my copyright bar?
I also cannot edit the footer for some reason to change the background and style etc? How do I do this?
Has this been resolved?
Is there anything I can do to minimize this other than remove the sticky header all together?
Hi, are there any updated on the flickering sticky navigation menu on mobile? I’m still having complaints about this and wonder if it will be resolved soon.
Well can you talk me through how you did it so I can compare where I may have gone wrong?
All I did was go into responsive mode center my text using the panel on the right, hit save and then go to live preview. I also followed the tutorials in the link you provided and there is nothing I am doing differently.
Sorry, you said I could use Yellow Pencil which does not work and haven’t given me a reason as to why it doesn’t work. You developed custom CSS to resolve my issue with the team page however its not possible with this divider? I’ve purchased a theme with support so I don’t have to use a developer or know much coding.
If I’ve purchased a theme that states it is responsive yet its only user friendly CSS tool (yellow pencil) doesn’t work to help people who dont know coding then should I be requesting a refund?
I am trying to center the elements (text specifically) in this row when viewing on mobile or ipad. I attempted to do so with YellowPencil however it does not save the changes. See image attached.
Is there css coding that you could guide me to or give me that I can use to center elements when responsive? Thanks.
Fantastic! Is there any chance you could send me the CSS coding for this or a guide I can use?
Are you able to send me a screenshot of where I can find this? I’m not familiar with it
And where do I enter custom CSS?