I updated theme, I upgraded framework , and I removed Unyson Plugin. Error gone. This is perfect !
I have the same problem as @syllogistic and @unloved…
When do you think the Unyson framework Google Fonts API will be updated ? And do you think the update will delete this problem ?
I tru to go on the Admin dashboard > Jevelin (left side) > Framework Upgrade but I don’t know wich upgrade method I have to choose… Full upgrade I suppose… ? But I don’t want to see my website break up.
Yes, I confirm
is that mean I to have delete the plugin WP optimize to avoid this display problem ?
I desactivated the extension. Is it this extension that causes this trouble ?
Thanks for your help.
Thanks, I will try to contact the plugin support. Do you know how (and where) to contact them ?
Thanks a lot for your help.
Yellow Pencil has just been updated, but the problem persists.
How is it possible to fix it?
Ok, thanks for the answer,
Do you know when the Yellow Pencil will be update ?
Ok, thanks for your answer, this is very strange… It’s not really to use it like this…
Do you think with the future update of the theme, this problem will be resolve ?
It’s happening on all my pages…
No I don’t have any errors… The Yellow Pencil editor start correctly but the blue square which indicates to me that I have selected an element well does not appear and therefore I have no way of modifying anything. (as you can see on my screenshots n°1 attached).
I tried again today, I can modify the elements at the top of the page, but on the middle of the pages or at the end it’s immpossible to select the elements. And it’s seems there is a problem of adjustement of the blue square compared to elements on the top of the pages (as you can see on my screenshots n°2 attached).
I don’t understand the problem…
I wanted to use YP Editor, but It’s doesn’t work. In fact, I can’t select any element to change the padding, the margin or anything else…
Do you know how to fix it ?
Thanks for the answer.
Thanks for your help !
Hi, thanks for your help, it’s working !
Except for the submenu N°3, as you can see in the screenshot attached, they are overlaying and it’s not really visible.
Do you have a solution ?
Yes, for sure :
In fact, I think it depends of the screen size. On my laptop, I’ve this problem, but not on my computer (except using the Yellow Pencil, It’s the same for both as you can see on screenshot N° 2 above).
Great, It’s working! Thanks a lot for your help! =)
Ok, thanks for your answer.
Could you notify me when Yellow Pencil support has solved the problem?
Have a great day,
Oh yes, I’m sorry…
Here it is the website :
Hi, yes, no problem.
Here just below, you find the account login.