Hi, thanks for the help.
I’ll have the person responsible for Yeost check the links you have provided.
I tested one of the URL’s on the Facebook tool, is that the “cache clearing” you asked me to do? Results are on the print.
Basically it says its missing some FB properties, but what i can’t really understand is why is it returning a real 404 error, only for Facebook.
Any ideas?
I added posts manually, but i’ve found out that sticky posts always go to slider regardless of me wanting them to display there or not. They’re always the first slide and dont even show up in that box on the print.
Let me give an example:
Right now i have it set to display 3 posts, and have the 3 posts IDs listed on the “Show Specific Posts” box.
If i dont mark any post as sticky on wordpress, the caroussel displays exactly as i want (the 3 specified posts).
Then the moment i set up a sticky, the sticky post becomes a fourth slide in the sequence, even if i have set only 3 specific posts and listed them. The caroussel then displays 4 slides and the first one is always the post market “sitcky” – that shouldn’t be there.
So i still need help: how do i prevent sticky posts to go automatically to my caroussel?