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    Luckily I backed up my site, because shutting off all the plugins did not fix the lightbox problem where there are no dots or arrows to navigate through the images, but did make my contact form disappear.  I recreated the contact form published my site without the lightbox fix and it is now at https://hiremelissamcqueen.com

    You can see the problem with the lightbox on any portfolio page like the following Photography page:


    Do you have other suggestions to fix this issue?  If not, is there a way to have the Fancy Portfolio point to a different project page I can create that would include a portfolio / gallery that would iterate through the images?


    I would also like that portfolio / gallery to have a masonry layout options so I don’t have to create square versions of my images in order to ensure faces/heads are not cut off.

    I appreciate all your help!


    I do have one more question.  On the fancy portfolio single project page, is there a way to designate what part of a image shows in the squares?  The images are cut off in unusual ways and I don’t want to cut all of them into squares.  I also didn’t change the view to a masonry style layout.


    THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That is exactly what I needed.

    I am a little disappointed that I can’t click through the portfolio galleries. Is there a way to point the home page Fancy Portfolio to a different Single Project page where I can use a Lightbox plugin that will scroll through the gallery?

    I may move ahead with publishing my site before I implement that change, but would possibly want to update that in the future.

    Thank you again for your help.  Have a beautiful day!



    I removed the custom code that shut off the breadcrumbs.  I had shut them off out of frustration.  I thought I would have had the site completed a couple weeks ago and I have been fighting these same few issues.

    1.  Please help on the Portfolio Projects Single Page to change the breadcrumb to show Home > [Project Name] instead of Home > Projects > [Project Name]
    2. On the single page please help me remove the word “Category:” that is shown before the Category Title.  I have attached the zip file that I downloaded from a link in one of the Shufflehound support tickets where it was offered as a fix for this issue.  Unfortunately, that has not worked for me.
    3. Is there a way on the Single Page Porfolio to have the Lightbox display arrows and move through the full gallery for that page?

    I appreciate your help.

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I apologize for the missing that detail.  The URL is http://www.positivelypeaceful.com.



    Thank you for your response.  Please see the private information so you can review the issues I am having.

    • I hope you can help me find a way to fix the breadcrumb issue.  It only needs to be changed on the Portfolio Single Projects Pages.
    • As for the Colorlib Divilab issue, I have activated the plugin and it does not remove “Category” from the Blog Title.
    • I still need assistance with the page builder issue.  None of the visual builders work to edit the home page (since it is Unyson).  I have only been able to make changes through Yellow Pencil/CSS and the standard WordPress editor.  All other pages I have had to use the WordPress editor as well.  If I go into WP Bakery / Brizy / Unysom it was always just showing a blank page rather than the demo content that was originally there.

    I appreciate your help with this.  I am so close to completing my site and these issues have been extremely frustrating.   I have worked with several builders in the past and none have been as difficult to work with as this.  What have I missed that would make these templates more visually editable?

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