Of course, no problem, thank you!
I understand that you can’t customize everyhting 🙂 But actually you did it before providing me some code to paste into functions.php 🙂 And because of using this code one element of the slider is missing now. Button CTA dissapeared which was located under the title. Could you please be so kind and chceck it? Without this button the whole operation doesn’t make sense. Thanks!
OK, I’ve figured it out. Thanks!
It works. Thanks!
Oh, thanks God! I couldn’t found it 😉
OK, so in this particular element I was asking about it’s impossible. Thanks
OK, I’ve found one error after this operation. There was a button on the slider, below slider title. It was here: http://prntscr.com/jhrp3c Now it’s gone.
The code responsible for this button is in gillion-child/inc/elements/blog-slider.php file and looks like this:
<div class=”slider-button”>
<input type=”button” name=”btn” class=”btn-style” value=”PRZYSIÄ„DŹ SIĘ!” />
Could you help me to get the button back? Thanks!
Its here – top left corner. And the print screen:Â https://prnt.sc/jhpulu
OK, thank you 🙂
I think it works correctly. Could you please take a look if everything is OK and stay the same after theme update?
I’ve installed Loco plugin. Unfortunately on this page you’ve mentioned there’s no info how to translate. It’s written how to install the plugin.
Could you help me to translate cookie notice with Loco Translate?
Thanks! It looks very well 🙂
Thanks! It looks very well 🙂
Thanks! I couldn’t find that setting 🙂
Great, thanks!
Thanks a lot! 🙂
I’m talking about this big grey field above the article text. Please see attachement. This error is similar to the issuse reported above.
could you please tell me how to fix this issue?
Thanks a lot. As far as this please tell me – “change the class name vcBlogSlider and shortcode name vcg_blog_slider in the copied file blog-slider.php” – change to what?
OK, I have 5.4.5 version, so everything’s fine. Thank you