I deleted it from the backend, installed as you wrote and I still have the message in PLUGINS page that there’s new vesion available. So nothing changed really.
It works fine, thanks. And what about WP Bakery Page Builder?
in short – if I go to Envato Plugin > Themes > check Gillion > click Update button – the theme will be safely updated to new version without any data or settings loss?
OK, you’re right. Now it works fine.
As for the font in main manu – it should be Oswald not Times New Roman. Could you tell me which browser you are using?
OK, thanks!
Thanks for the reply. So for now theres no other way to style the theme than using “important”?
OK, thanks, it works. How to mark answer as resolved?
OK, thanks! Now it’s clear. Sorry for bothering you 🙂
I always export theme options to have a backup. First of all – the “reset” button is so close to “Save” button – it very easy to make a mistake and click the wrong one.
Second, and the most important – when updating theme backup is more than necessary.
I’m sorry but I don’t remember which things werent imported. I just gave a try, export the options from current site. Than went to test site with Gillion theme, imported it and the overall look changed. So some settings weren’t exported and imported. You can log into my backened, export options with this plugin and import to your test wordpress site. I think it will be easier to check this way than writing.
Thanks but it doesn’t work everywhere. Please take a look:
You don’t see it because I turned off this function in theme options. I’m building this website and this is annoying. If you log in and turn it on, I’m sure you’ll see it.
I would like to get to WP bakery template library:
<h3 class=”r”>https://wpbakery.com/features/template-library/</h3>
<div class=”s”><span class=”st”>It is completely free to access Template Library with your directWPBakery Page Builder license and there is no download limit.</span></div>
<div>In order to do this I have to activate my plugin with license code. When you go to WP bakery settings you can still see the button “Activate WP bakery page builder” (settings.jpg).</div>
<div>I tried to manage that so I clicked there and was redirected to wp bakery account. I signed up with my email. Then logged in and saw the monit “Purchase licence”(purchase.jpg).
“Activate” button is still on my settings page and I don’t have acces to template library.</div>
OK, thanks!
I have (and had) the lates version of Gillion theme: https://prnt.sc/idpqzl
I installed WP bakery plugin (it works) but I can’t activate it: https://prnt.sc/idprwm
If you need login creditentias, please let me know, it will be easier.
Thanks but there’s no such option in my backend: https://prnt.sc/idivcu