Can you please install old version please.
You can how have to look the site here
Yes i know but when i install the latest version all css become broken like the photo i sent
Yes sorry
For sure
The second one 16.55.17, now we backup siteweb so now doesn’t look broken
In attachment there how is now and original version
After i update the theme, all seems to become boxed.
Unfortunatly i don’t have staging or development website.
And i have other two problem:
Fisrt one is that i can’t see widget anymore.
Second one is about the social widget, how i can put facebook api?
Thank you
Like i said before I cannot deactivate because the site is visited continuously and deactivating them would corrupt the site.
Creating a test article, however it will appear according to the elementor style put, because I created the standard template
what is the code for display on single post page?
Sure, done.
I changed the protocol but the problem is always there.
No, we don’t have a staging or development website.
I cannot deactivate the plugins because the site is visited continuously and deactivating them would corrupt the site.
Ye sorry
Ye you can log in.
i update it, view counter is in display none in this moment.