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    Well, I think the reason is  because i’m using the custom css you provided me on early messages? I have disabled the cache . Again, my goal is to display all images on portrait. Old images are dispalying fine, new ones aren’t.

    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    Oh nono, I don’t think you understand. I’m trying to make the new posts display like the old in portrait, I don’t want the same as the demo, I’m trying to make the new ones like the old ones, portrait. That’s what I mean. Sorry for the confusion.

    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    Thanks for the reply, but i don’t think you understand. Yes, I did the temporary fix for some posts because it was broken before, but now it got fixed by you guys, all posts are showing ok. But, if I create a new post, they are shown in a wrong scale, you can login and make a draft and see what the featured image will look like, something far different from older posts.


    Do a test: Go here http://www.helenagasparetto.com.br/pumpkin-pie-torta-de-abobora-com-especiarias on WordPress admin and try to select a image from the gallery, can be any image (Just please only preview, don’t update). You will see that the updated image is in a totally different scale, landscape.

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    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    Hey there! It fixed the issues for older posts, but whenever I make a new post, and upload a image, it resizes to the landscape position, as seen the image below. This only affect if I make a new post and set a new featured image or if I edit  post and change the featured image. Thank you

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    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    Hi, For mobile now it displays fine, perhaps, for desktop it displays in a very big resolution compared to other images, excessive height and width, as seen here http://www.helenagasparetto.com.br/biscoitos-de-gengibre-e-mel-gingerbread-cookies and on my attatched image.



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    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    Yes, for example on mobile , https://m.imgur.com/a/CEwP5 . Also, if you upload a new picture and set as featured, for some reason it gets stretched (you can try to create a demo post, set a featured image and click preview ( just please don’t publish). You will see it will be all messed up.



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    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    Yes, I forgot to mention that for the last 5 posts I had to do this manually and hide the featured image as a temporary fix. But take this post here as an example http://www.helenagasparetto.com.br/cookies-de-nutella/ .Thanks

    in reply to: Featured Images Issues


    I have fixed this issue by defining a manual height.

    in reply to: Mobile Version Issue


    This last code did not work. It messed up the sizes. The one that worked fine for the height and width was:


    .single-post .post-thumbnail img {
    width: auto;
    height: 550;
    min-width: auto;

    .single-post .post-thumbnail {
    display: block;



    But it does not center the image. Can you please help me make it center the featured image? Thanks!

    in reply to: Center Featured Image


    Also, Can you help me tweak the CSS code so the featured images appear the same size as the images in the post, usually 540 x 700?



    in reply to: Center Featured Image


    Yes, here is an example http://tiagoscharfy.com/helenagasparetto/bolos/bolo-de-chocolate-macio-texas-sheet-cake-minha-versao . I was looking to display in a smaller size, like most of the themes do.

    in reply to: Featured Image Too Big
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