I solved the problem by adding small javascript code when page is fully loaded :
/* Calculate .container margin bottom from footer */
const footer = $(‘.sh-footer’);
const footerHeight = footer.height();
if (footerHeight) {
$(‘.content-container’).css(‘margin-bottom’, footerHeight + ‘px’);
I’m setting the ‘margin-bottom’ property of the div “.content-container” manually. I think it’s the same code used in the ‘resize’ event that is applied on the div “.content-container’.
Thanks for taking time,
Best regards.
I noticed something :
if i resize the window to 1200px or less, the footer actually show. Technically, a margin-bottom is applied to the div “.content-container” and the footer works properly. If i resize back the window to “window mode” (1500px width or more), the footer is still working and the div margin-bottom of the div “.content-container” is updated.
When the page load, there isn’t any margin-botton to the div, so the footer is hidden. Maybe the problem is here.
How can I fix the cache plugin ?
Indeed, I see the footer as an admin but whenever I check it in a private window as a customer, I still do not see it…
It works ! Thank you so much ! 🙂
Ir’s so weird … I saw while inspecting the codeon several pages taht the footer is over the page container instead being inside of it …
I’ve never seen the footer on the pages above … I don’t understan how it can work for you and not for me.
I let you my info below.
Thank you by advance.
Thank you for your help.
You can find attached to this message, pictures showing the lack of footer on several pages.
Yes it is activated. It would be amazing to implement it.
I found out the issue but I cannot solve it by myself. On several pages, the footer is inside the page container.
How should I fix this issue ?
For example on these pages it does not work from my point of view :
I still have the problem whenever I check my website without being an admin (screenshot below)
I dowloaded WP Fastest Cache and enable Autoptimize. The issue is still here …
Do you have an idea of what kind of settings could help ?
I’m using : WP Super Cache, Autoptimize and Async Javascript
When I clear the cache it works few minutes and the issue comes back after.
Thank you for your help. The problem happened again this morning. What should I change in the settings to fix the issue ?
Can it come from the update of WPBakery that I cannot make ? (It says : “You have to wait your WordPress theme author to update WPBakery Page Builder on their side and push it to you”).
I’m sorry, my explanations may be bad. Here is a picture of my problem.
Inside the red squares, something is written but it’s white when I click on it.
Thank you for your help
It did ! Nonetheless a problem remains : When i am on a page and I want to see it on te menu : the font color is white … Thus I cannot read the name of the page.
Thank you so much for your help and nice answers !
Thanks to your help It works very well. 🙂
Have a nice day.
I checked and it is fixed the problem for the landing page but only for this one…
Perhaps beacause on the other ones the widgets were desactivated when you fixed the problem…
For example, you can see on the screenshot I made this afternoon : on the page “Notre histoire” the parralax is over the page.
What should I do to fix the problem ? Should I activate the widgets before you fix the problem ?
Thank you so much for your help 🙂
I disabled it because of the parallax problem.
When the widgets are activated the parallax movement is not smooth at all (it almost appear suddently when I scroll down)