Gap on elements, invisibile elements

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Home Forums Gillion Theme Gap on elements, invisibile elements

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  • mwojdylo93

    Hello, I have big problem. I wanted to export my page for client and this day page went down, tbh not page but theme gillion. On admin panel you can see elements in main page, but when you want to open page as a normal viewer some of the elements are invisible. Check ss. I need to repair is as fast as possible, instatnly but don’t know how. Clients are angry!!!!!!!

    You must be logged in to view attached files.


    I have another problem: <b>Fatal error</b>: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier “z” in /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ Stack trace: #0 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ sprintf() #1 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ TGMPA_List_Table->get_row_actions() #2 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ TGMPA_List_Table->column_plugin() #3 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ WP_List_Table->single_row_columns() #4 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ TGMPA_List_Table->single_row() #5 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ WP_List_Table->display_rows() #6 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ WP_List_Table->display_rows_or_placeholder() #7 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ WP_List_Table->display() #8 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ TGM_Plugin_Activation->install_plugins_page() #9 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #10 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ WP_Hook->do_action() #11 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ do_action() #12 /home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/ require_once(‘…’) #13 {main} thrown in <b>/home/platne/serwer254072/public_html/autoinstalator/</b> on line <b>2804</b>
    <div class=”wp-die-message”></div>


    Hi there,


    In a production environment, it is recommended to hide errors to prevent them from being visible to clients. This practice is important not only for aesthetic reasons but also for security purposes. We strongly recommend implementing this measure.

    Regarding the issue itself, could you please let us know which PHP version you are using?


    Best regards,

    Shufflehound Team

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