Done thanks
thank you
thank you
done thank you
Hi, I have done what you have suggested a long time ago but it is not working.
I want you to log on to my blog and try out the social media icons on the header and the one on the blog.
I have attached a screenshot as a guide, let me know your experience because I don’t think you understand the issue the way I need you to.
Olso the Instagram and youtube icon is missing from the screenshot you sent above
I prefer automatic updates rather than manually. I sent you the Envato market screenshot to highlight to you that my theme is not listed as a purchase to be included in the auto-update, even when I have activated the token.
According to the information you sent me, that is the only way to achieve an auto-update from the dashboard.
I am not happy to be doing a manual update because this means I will have to be on the lookout for a new release. For instance, this new update was not even brought to my knowledge until now.
I await your reply on how your company will ensure I have auto-update to Gillian theme
Thank you
another screen sho hereby attached
The read more should be showing after paragraph
<h3>,,,,,tizens Adviceis my encyclopedia for information.</h3>
please find attached, Envato market is not displaying the Gillian theme I bought from theme forest, so how can it be updated.
This issue has. not been solved yet please advice why its taking so. long
this did not solve the problem it only made the page larger and also caused other problems for me. So this fix was not helpful
Do you want to remove the grey effect applied to the image?
I love the effect I just want to be able to stretch it to cover the whole page.
I want to edit it but I can’t find the option where…
I have also noticed that I don’t have the option to see how my post will appear on mobil, iPad or desktop anymore. This are options visible on my WPBakery page before and even on my dashboard.
what setting gives me the access to how I want a post to appear in the mobile devices.
I have attached a screenshot to show you how the plugins and version of WPBakery plugin I also have the envato plugin installed.
Why is the theme not updated automatically to the lates version? I have no information on my dashboard showing that I have anything out of version, this is not very encouraging for me.
I am also using child theme I dont want to use any changes I have made to my site thus far!!!
We update the plugin with every new theme version. In this case you can just delete old plugin version and reinstall latest plugin version bundled with theme from Appearance -> Install Plugins
Can you send a screen shot of this explantion above.
thank you
Every change I make like text editing, uploading of video or image, padding any change atall and this applies to all my blog pages.
I am now left to work from backend which is not very visual.
Thank you to get back to me soon,
I sent a link to one of my blog page
Thank you for your reply however the fix has not been implemented, is this going to be fixed at all?
This has not answered my question, the template im using is not very suitable do I need to reinstall the Theme to get all the default templates back as I had deleted most of them. how would it affect my current pages and post already written