I actually troubleshooted a different way – I uninstalled redux and added back in unyson, though I had to hide the WordPress development errors/ warnings that were showing up at the top of the screen as a result of unyson through a PHP code.
I found the cache issue was no longer a problem once I did that, which confirms that redux was the issue, although I still cannot identify why it may have been causing issues with caching for non-logged in users.
I will eventually have to switch back to redux, but can you help me understand why this issue was occurring and if there’s anything that can be done to prevent it?
I wasn’t able to troubleshoot using the generic WordPress theme and redux as you suggested because our site is live and we didn’t feel comfortable taking it off-line for testing. However if you want to migrate our site to a test site so that your team can troubleshoot then I would be happy to share access.
So it’s a live website so I can’t test it again without interrupting our users experience, but I will try to late at night when no one is online.
Otherwise, do you want to try duplicating our site like last time and testing it on the duplicate dummy site? Let me know and I’ll share the login.
All I know is that this began once I updated the theme and migrated to Redux.
Still awaiting reply
I noticed that when I’m logged in as admin, there is no cache issue.
I tried switching to standard and it was still having cache delays. I put more troubleshooting steps in the private section.
Can you please help me find a solution? We didn’t have any problem until the Redux migration, so I am convinced that there was an issue tied to the theme. I’m unable to solve it myself and can really use the Shufflehound team’s help.
Looks like the slug changed by itself! to /blog
Not sure if it was a remnant of the first plugin, I didn’t end up installing the second one
Will this be included in the next major release? If so, I’ll wait for the next release?
What testing did you do? Did you try adding a message on the test link I shared and saw that it doesn’t show up for 12 hours?
And where do you want me to find the log file?
This is a CRITICAL issue for us – appreciate your fast reply!
I have included a test page for you to try adding a message to test the cache issue. The message should appear within 2-3 minutes but is instead appearing only after 12 hours.
Hey! Where is the beta version? Do you mean the latest version of jevelin?
Hi there,
No, the issue is that there is a 12 hour delay. If I show you a page, you’d have to view it within 12 hours in order to see the problem.
For some reason, all changes in the database are taking 12 hours to display front-end, and we didn’t have this problem before the Redux migration. The plugin airpress didn’t seem to have issues before.
Can you help us resolve it? It’s been a week now.
the child theme messed up my website so I reverted back
before reverting, I checked permalinks and did not see an option to update portfolio slug. only category base and tag, which was already there on the parent theme.
new pass in private info
Will the child theme update with all the latest Jevelin updates? Or is it a snapshot in time of the latest Jevelin update?
Still waiting on a reply please
If you can please give me a PHP insert that will change the portfolio slug URL from
that would be very helpful! I think it was a unyson feature before
Can I just use a PHP inserter? A child theme will overwrite as soon as I update jevelin, right?
Help please this is urgent. This issue started after the Redux migration. Please help asap.
also if i use wpbakery, does that mean I can delete redux?
I have shared login info. Please do not make live changes to the site, you can set up a copy on your local server.