I also has trouble making the background to resize like the one in here, https://www.ogadget.com/x/gameshell, I have already set my background to cover but still, it gives me a white bar at the bottom when the browser is fully maximized.
very happy with the performance of the theme
Never mind, I am using a lower quality mp4 that is only 10mb to replace the 29mb one. Although poor quality and larger than the 6mb webm video, but better compatibility. Works even on Apple Safari too.
Sorry if I didn’t expressed myself clearly. I know you can switch on the footer parallax effect at theme setting. However, that only applies to the theme builtin footer. I am using the #contact section as the footer of my website and hopping to apply the same parallax effect on it. How do I do it?
This part of your code doesn’t work.
#page-container header.primary-mobile-light .sh-header-mobile.sh-sticky-mobile-header-active {
border-bottom: 0!important;
It is disabled by the !important on the line 1104 of the theme CSS, why do you put a !important there?
#page-container header.primary-mobile-light .sh-header-mobile.sh-sticky-mobile-header-active {
border-bottom: 1px solid rgba( 0,0,0,0.08 )!important;
Here is the address of my site
works now! thx.
Alright, after a lot of trial and error. I understand that it works. You need to add and !important to have it work.
.header-logo {
padding: 0 !important;
Also I want to have the sticky menu shrink down but keep the size of the default one. The CSS code should be
#page-container .sh-sticky-header-active:not(.sh-header-4):not(.sh-header-5):not(.sh-header-6) .sh-nav > li.menu-item > a {
padding-top: 5px;
padding-bottom: 5px;
My battle with the menu has come to an end. Thanks.
Sorry, looks like I have just found another firefox related bug. Please see the attached pic which is a comparison between the contact form input field of Firefox and Chrome on Windows 10. The same code running on Chrome display correctly but place holder text and user typed text is not displaced on Firefox. Please kindly help me fix it. Thanks.
quick and effective.
My attached pic is a screen graph of the same website, sonarpen.com using firefox and chrome. You can see in Firefox, the email field is not align with the button. But on Chrome and Edge, the two elements align perfectly.
In such case, I will just stick with a one line setup.
Sorry to bring up another issue, I am hoping you can may the already very good theme to be perfect.
I found the mailform’s email field is displayed differently on Chrome and Firefox. The one on Firefox is not right.
Your support is super fast and spot on.
I found a the Copyright Text is having the same <>code ignore/removal issue. I can’t use <br> or   to separate a long sentence into 2 lines. Developer console in the browser shows the code is removed. I believe it may be caused by the same problem as the Testimonial issue.`
worked. Your support is wonderful.
One a separated note. The mother theme style.css has a this styling for h1-h6
h6 {
font-family: ‘Raleway’, serif;
color: #3f3f3f;
font-weight: 700;
margin: 0 0 20px 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: normal!important;
why do you put !important on line-height?? It makes the value hard to override, other than changing the CSS.