I had contacted them 1 month ago here is what they say:
“We checked it further and the issue is due to a js <span class=”il”>conflict</span> arising from it. It will require a custom js code to handle the same. If you are not into js, then you can hire a developer who can do so.”
I answered:
“I am not into js
<div>I cannot pay and do not want to pay for a developer to enable me to use Visual Composer which I pay 35$ for…</div>
<div>What else can you propose ?”</div>
<div>”The only other way would be to check it with the plugin developer if they are aware of such a <span class=”il”>conflict</span> and have any fix for their plugin to avoid it.”</div>
<div>That is why I posted my question to you 3 weeks ago.</div>
<div>If you want me to contact them again, thanks to tell me what to ask for exactly.</div>
<div>Best regards</div>
<div class=”yj6qo ajU”></div>
Did you manage to solve the problem with visual composer ?
Best regards
Any news about the problem with js conflict between Visual Composer and Unyson ?
Best regards
Ok thanks !
Well yes but I do not manage to use them.
As you can see on the print screen below, the Portfolio Single Post Categories does not work.
The name of test page created is “test des media grid”, I added a Portfolio and then created a new project in the Portfolio, adding an image gallery element thanks to the Page builder (Content element) but it generates a page 404 error.
Any feedback, I sent you all the information at the address [email protected] yesterday.
RE: Change Background color of the theme
Best regards
ok, when it is implemented could you inform me here ?
Did you add this option to the last update ? If so where is it ?
Best regards
Great thanks ! I am really impressed about the support provided !
Are you going to add it as a general setting or an option that you can use for some pages and not for others ?
I will wait for the next update of the theme then.
The URL is http://iznomad.com/
If you manage could you explain me how to do it myself ? or create a module with this effect on one of the blog template ?
As I am not sure about the effect, I want to be able to make some images squared or round depending on the page.
Best regards
It was a word with 2 print screened images but it exceeded the size allowed sorry.
Below the URL of the blog which uses the round image to display the articles:
I would like to use the same effect but I cannot find how to do it with Jevelin theme.
Best regards
I answered you on the mail address [email protected]
But they are thousands of lines in the error log unless the only thing I did for now is install Jevelin theme. Only some of the page of the demo content are working, The home pages Corporate, Wedding, boxed, landing etc shows error 404. I said that it was ok a bit too early…
The problem is not resolved.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks it seems that the Demo Content is fully installed now.
I did not understand your point about the error.log. Could you explain me what to do to “check error.log” ?
Best regards
Any feedback ?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
I called the assistance of my host OVH.
In the lines mentioned :
php_value post_max_size 64M
php_value upload_max_filesize 64M
php_value memory_limit 64M
php_value max_execution_time 259200
php_value max_input_time 259200
In the parameters of OVH only the last 2 have values which are lower.
But as the server is mutualised they can’t change the php.ini, they take the risk to crash everything.
Basically, it means that OVH host is not compatible with Jevelin theme ?
What am I supposed to do now ?
If so I count on your fairplay to refund the cost of the theme to buy another one.
Please help,
Best regards
Thanks for the answer, I add the sequence to htaccess and saved, so it seems that I have the right to modify but then the error page showed up. Do you think it is linked to the OVH host ?