yes, I always update once it’s available. It looks like I’m on version 5.9 now
And I also have been using Yoast for years now. The first detected issue in Search Console shows 11/13/23, yet I haven’t done any structured changes to the page during 2023.
Is there a fix I can apply?
All the best,
I tested it with 4 stars and unfortunately it showed 5 stars instead ๐
Thanks, that worked!
Quick follow up question – I see in the content: part there is SSSSS added – will it work also for other amount of stars (i.e. 4 stars or 3 stars)? Or will this always produce 5 stars?
I included the jquery in optimization again to test and besides the masonry the menu is not clickable.
In parallel I’m trying to find a way how to optimize the loading while preserving the user experience.
When everything is added to the optimization, I get up to 80 for mobile and close to 100 for desktop. When jquery is excluded, I get <40.
The issue turned out to be with jquery – it was loading too late. I’ve asked Ezoic to exclude it from optimization and that seems to work, but now performance scores are quite low because it’s render-blocking.
Is there a solution in the theme for this?
I understand, thank you
Is there a solution how I can keep my pages while I re-create them in Redux? Or, even better, a way to transfer all of them from Unyson to Redux? Since I have ~30 pages, it’s going to take a while to do it one-by-one
Thank you!
One final question – Can I install the Redux framework in parallel with Unyson as I re-create my 30 pages?
And do I update the parent theme via Themes -> Add New -> Upload?
And if I use the theme, all my child theme customizations will be lost?
Thanks for the quick reply.
I do use Unyson builder for the pages – if I switch framework, would any of the page layouts be lost or transferred to a new framework?
Solution for this topic
I found the problem – I had defined height:auto on the archive pages and it overwrote the height from the masonry and set it to 0. Everything is working now, thanks for the support!
I did and it made it worse – now all posts have this problem. It seems like masonry is not recognized as a space and footer comes right after the header
I updated the theme now, but it didn’t seem to fix the problem
thanks, that seemed to have solved the issue, yet in incognito mode it still shows blank spots as previously.
However, now after I scroll to the bottom on this page the very last post overlaps with the footer and is almost non-visible (screenshot attached) – I think that was the reason why I added that code. Can you check why that happens, please?
Thanks for checking!
I removed that line of code, but it doesn’t seem to solve the issue. Here masonry is still quite mixed and on this search results page the numbering is in a very weird place
I just did, please troubleshoot
I cleared all caches and then deactivated both Autoptimize and W3 Total Cache, as you suggested. However, the result was exactly the same – there were blank spots just like on this page.
Now I’ve activated both of them back.
Best regards,
thanks, I’ll reach out to Yoast to see if it’s a known issue.
Otherwise, I believe, I can duplicate those 3 posts, remove the old ones and change the permalinks for the new ones to make them seem as old.
thanks for the help!
Best regards,
please use the following data to login and let me know what was the issue
best regards,