I leave the access open, we keep in touch about this topic.
Feel free to test it !
I had also problems with php 8…
I had to donwgrade to 7.4 to solve the troubles.
Forgot to tick the “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”.
Many thanks Ben
@ littlestag :
I ve switched on https://wordpress.org/plugins/spotlight-social-photo-feeds/
Free version worrking well wainting for the correction.
Soooooooooooooooo many thanks !!
Your support is just amazing !
Solution for this topic
Hello guys,
Just to infom you that my host makes migration from php8 to php 7.4 and the problem has disapear…
Many thanks
Same issue form me.
Message here to follow
Many thanks for your diagnostic.
I’ve took a look to the phplog on host site…
there is lots of parts, warnings or errors sometimes linked to unyson/jevelin since mid of april.
Can you take a look to the attached file ?
Sure, you have the acces, feel free.
Many thanks for your help.
I understood we’re not gonna use “Unyson” anymore.
There was an interesting possibility with “Unyson” to make scheduled backups every day or week (complete or just content).
Will this function still be possible without “unyson”?
Many tanks
ok thanks for your help
Is there a CCS custom code or another way to disable it ?
Yes sure.
I want the Pictures not clickable (not openable) in the timeline
Soooooooo many thanks !!!!!!