Solution for this topic
With locotranslate I found the php lines that refer to the string of each text, I was able to edit them to Spanish and it showed them correctly there.
<span lang="en">Good afternoon I do not understand, nor do I know what the problem is that they cannot access. I from other PCs and other providers if I can. It is very strange, it is as if it were something related to the ip, since the site is another. In any case, could you please explain to me, what correction can I implement? Or else with access to Cpanel could they correct it? Thanks.</span>
Good evening again.
For some reason, the same thing that happened to you began to happen to me, I could not enter the development site (through the ip in the host file)
So I decided to change the name of the site for now.
In the same way, you must enter with the ip provided before
The site is
The credentials are the ones in the hidden field.
Thank you very much and sorry for all the inconvenience, but I cannot change the sizes of the titles.
Hello good evening.
It is very strange what happens, I see the access attempts but on the site that is in production.
I spoke with the hosting in case there is any blockage or redirection, and they are going to review it, because they tell me that they should be able to enter without problems.
What we can do if it seems to them is to give them the cpanel user where this WP is and enter the site under development there.
Good day.
You are trying to access the site that is published (I am attaching the access attempt).
The user is correct, but It is not mapping you to development ip (godaddy)
On that server is the temporary domain, with the site under development, which is the one with this problem.
Sorry, but I see in the print a line that refers to Astero.css
That plugin, if it is installed on the site that is currently in production (on air) and on that site accessible from anywhere, if the wprocket is installed.
But the one in development does not have the Astero plugin installed, nor does the wprocket.
Sorry, but are you sure to enter the development site?
I send you a print of what that Word Press currently looks like.
Yes of course, grateful. How strange, I never installed that plugin myself.
But I leave you the access in the private field.
Thanks a lot.
Hi good day.
I don’t have that plugin installed.
only the WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache, but with the cache disabled.
I tell you that on the site that is in production / published, if there is that plugin.
But I have the problem in the development site (, which to see it has to be modified the host file of the pc with the ip that I sent you earlier. (it’s on godaddy)
Precisely because I am updating everything in development.
Thank you very much for the reply.
The site is in developing.
You can enter by modifying the host.
I paste the data in the safe field.
Solution for this topic
Good evening, I was able to resolve the issue.
I installed wp-optimize, did a cleanup of the entire site including the DB, and now it works.
Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
Solution for this topic
Hello. apparently it’s a xampp problem.
I uploaded it to a hosting and everything works correct for now.
I already solved this issue.
I just logged in with the credentials I sent you and it works perfect.
The site is under development, and can only be accessed with the IP added in the hosts file of the pc.
Otherwise, they enter the productive version, which is not the problem.
I leave in the safe field, how the Hosts file has to be on the pc to be able to enter the site.
I read in another reply to another user that the same thing happens to him, if he has the latest version of the framework installed. I have it installed in this development site.
Thank you.
I am realizing something.
The site
It is now in production (And if you have the Rocket), but that is not the site that has problems
The new site under development is at ip:
It is under development, so you should enter by modifying the host file of the pc, with that IP.
Sorry about that. this is verified.
The site does not have a cache installed at the moment. Do you have a mistake with that?
Will it be Godaddy?
I upgraded to the latest version with no luck.
I also disabled extra Plugins and neither.
I cannot modify the Font type of the menu, only the size.
And the other Fonts are not modified either.
Attached username and admin pass of the site under development, with ip for hosting.
Thank you
Good. The problem is that I have it locally on the PC.
with Xampp.
If there is a way for me to solve it, otherwise, when we finish the other aspects of the site, and it goes into online development, I can pass a host to them, and then put it in production.
Most of all, the font and size in the title of the post does not change either.
The site is with elementor and gillion in their latest version.
But it is not modified in any way.
<div class=”styles-section-title styles-selector”>
<div><span class=”selector”><span class=”simple-selector”>h1, </span><span class=”simple-selector selector-matches”>h2, </span><span class=”simple-selector”>h3, h4, h5, h6</span></span><span class=”sidebar-pane-open-brace”> {</span></div>
<div class=”style-properties matched-styles monospace”>
<div class=”tree-outline-disclosure”>
Sorry, I did not indicate before.
But I would like to be able to build all the content of the home and pages with Elementor.
If possible from the template “News”
Hi, update the theme with what you sent me.
But I can’t install WpBackery, and when importing it doesn’t show me the content.
Nor with Elementor.
Sending access to the development server