The form fields borders are not dispalying because of the CSS code border-width: 0px used on your site in the following custom CSS code snippet
I don’t know what is this. This isn’t my code I didn’t put any custom code for the
Please let me know when you finished.
I’ve sent you URL of the site (as a PM) you can see it on the main (HOME) page.
Please note that Recaptcha disappears every time I made some changes to the form.
O.K. I’ve installed/updated (using “Easy Theme and Plugin Upgrades” plugin) main-theme 2.4.1 (without activating it).
I’ve tried to set Form’s style as the style 5 (the new one), it doesn’t display form fields at all only the text above the fields (take a look at the screenshot below).
Moreover, now I have problems with Recaptcha (“ReCAPTCHA couldn’t find user-provided function: fw_forms_builder_item_recaptcha_init“) It is not displayed as you can see it on the screenshot below.
Do you want whole site to support RTL except header?
Yes and no. I need the whole site to support RTL including menu but I need the logo and the menu to change places (logo on the left and menu on the right side).
I don’t quite understand you.
You are talking now about a text block content element.
When I’ve asked about “Contact Form 7” integration.
Suppose I don’t want to overwrite it and I want to use Contact Form 7.
How can I add this form into my page? It doesn’t seem to appear in unyson builder.
I’ve tried to create extension (input[type=te])
in jevelin-child theme (in: themes/jevelin-child/framework-customizations/extensions/forms/includes/builder-items/telephone-type/class-fw-option-type-form-builder-item-telephone-type.php)
but it doesn’t work and displays some errors.
I’ve actually also tried to overwrite some behavior of the unyson default elements such as input[type=number]
in order to change errors’ value but it doesn’t work either.
Could you tell me please is there something I do wrong?
I mean maybe there is no way to overwrite extensions in child theme.
Yes but this prevents the whole page to be RTL compatible. I mean another way to do this .
You are using language right to left in your shared screenshot so the elements are displaying in opposite direction that is Right to Left.
So how can I change this behavior, because this is not what’s meant to be?
Can I install Contact Form 7 as a separate plugin or it will break the theme?
You can try changing them using the following plugin.
In the main page of the ThemeForest you’re telling that you’re using Contact Form 7 plugin as a build in plugin (as I know I can translate errors using this plugin’s options).
I can’t find it anywhere in my admin panel.
You have to develop custom code to achieve this.
What do you mean by custom code?
Instead of this you can use Number field and restrict it as displayed in the attached screenshot.
I don’t see any attached screenshot.
Moreover, I want it to be type=tel in order to display it on mobile as a phone input which triggers phone keyboard instead of the default the one.
I’ve tried to install jevelin-child theme, when I did it it’s broken all the styles including RTL style now it doesn’t display as it should on RTL. It also replaced all colors/setting which I’ve set before.
1.When I install the jevelin-child theme, should I apply it or only install it?
2.If I do need to apply it will it change my settings/colors/css?
3.If I need to change something (for example 404 page) what I need to do in that case?
Please take a look at the screenshot below.
Logo should be on the left side.
V sing on each menu item should be on the left side (like in submenu) of the label not on the right side as it’s now.
Moreover look at the Social Networks Icons/Search Icon which are too close to the menu.
I don’t want to reveal my site, yet, on this forum. Although, I can send it to you as PM.
Please take a look at the screenshot above.
Text on submit button should be centered but it’s not.
Recaptcha ,which is gone every time I change something in the form, should be placed on the right corner of the form, but it’s not.
And of course look at the V icons which should reside on the left not on the right side of the label.
I don’t quite sure that you’ve understood me. I mean I did notice that there is option in “theme options” to enable RTL for the site, but it enables it partially, so my question is how can I enable it (not partially but for icons and menu) without changing the wp-admin language to some RTL language?
Thank you for your answer. I try to add simple contact form (using unyson editor) but it seems that something is wrong. For example I can’t adjust form to be centered and moreover I do see the inputs but labels for each input are disabled and I can’t see in on the page (I mean the display property for each label is “none”). And of course the captcha which I do put on the form and each time I save it that captcha is removed from the form.