Thanks for this. Seems to have sorted the issue.
I must have missed the memo on the Redux change and I wasn’t getting notification that Unyson or anything was outdated or not talking to Google Fonts anymore.
Do you not have a fix for Gillion users (you only mention Jevelin users)? Also, I don’t use any of the page builders you mentioned.
Something has broken with your themes and how they talk to Google fonts. And I’m not the only person who is experiencing this issue.
This is a major issue that is affecting income for lots of sites.
I’ve found a temporary workaround to add a Google fonts plugin and that has allowed me to set Google fonts again.
But I shouldn’t have to add yet another plugin just to get the advertised functionality that your theme should provide by default.
Can you please address a fix in an update asap. Thanks.
I did remove that ‘jrallex’ line, as per your screenshot in previous messages. I did that when you originally posted that and it did make it work on most browsers.
However, the issue as I mention still persists for Incognito mode.
Could you be more specific as to which code needs to be removed? And where it is?
Btw, does post parallax just not work on Chrome Incognito mode?
I sometimes use Incognito mode on Chrome to check for changes.
Post parallax works on Chrome, Firefox and Safari. And works in the ‘private window’ modes on Firefox and Safari. But doesn’t work in Incognito on Chrome.
Could you please check your end?
Thanks. Resolved now.
That’s odd. What’s the fix, please?
Also, in my screenshot above, I have Post Parallax set to on. Is this ‘on’ in the sense that the parallax is on? Or on in the sense that clicking that means disabled parallax is on?
Thanks! That has removed the parallax.
Is there an option is theme settings for adjusting this image size? As now the image is not the right proportions.
So there’s no way of changing it?
Maybe I can remove the parallax code and then I’d have to remove it again after each update?
I’m sure there used to be a setting in Theme Settings for this. As I was able to toggle it on/off before via the Gillion theme settings. Why was it removed?
Could I get some help on this, please.
Is there no code I can use to remove parallax?
What can I do, then? Can I not do something to solve this without having to re-edit and re-upload 600+ images?
Here’s one example:
I set all my featured images as 1200px, as that was the advised size.
Have you now changed that on the theme?
I have around 600 posts, so changing every featured image size is a huge undertaking.
The issue with that change, though, is that I now just have a square image in the middle of the header area and loads of blank space around it. At least on my screen (I’ve changed it back now).
Is there a compromise I can do that stops the stretching effect but doesn’t just make my image a square in the middle?
Here’s one example:
Take a look on desktop. It’s doing it to all featured images on the site.
Thanks for that.
In a similar vein, how would expand the size of each YouTube embed on a post? I’d like something that makes the YouTube video embed slightly wider than the post margins itself.
Something like the effect in the below example:
Here’s a random page on our site:
I’d like to do a sitewide change that adds the standout border/shading effect to all images and videos.
Fantastic! Thanks! This is exactly what I wanted.
Well the Elementor pages aren’t live, as the issue with the Elementor templates means I can’t publish them live yet.
My site is here:
As you can see, the site width is set to 1200px. That’s the width I want for the majority of the site. I just want the full width on certain pages that I create Elementor templates with.
So is there some way of coding this in via CSS on each Elementor page? Or a way to have Elementor ignore Gillion site settings and just do its own thing?
Thanks for that. Resolved now.