Thank you for the information. If there are no issues with my Unyson pages, do you still recommend rebuilding the entire site with WPBakery and switching to Redux framework eventually?
How would I go about rebuilding a Unyson page with WPBakery, while keeping it on the same url? My site is already live.
Also I deleted WPBakery a while ago. Will I still be able to reinstall and use it for free?
Does WPbakery have a timeline element included with your theme? Would I have to recreate the entire page using WPbakery?
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I am using the Unyson page builder and the timeline element of it.
I tried regenerating thumbnails, and it didn’t fix the timeline lightcase. It still opens up small.
Please check my linked pages, so you will understand what I am talking about.
The “lightcase” opens up small on the timeline. It opens up full size for the rest of the site.
Thank you
Thanks, but that didn’t work either.
Usually, it tells me when a Jevelin update is available in my wordpress dashboard. This time, there was no update available. So, I manually deleted my old theme version and uploaded the new version to my FTP. However, it’s still not showing that it’s the updated version in my wordpress>appearance>themes page.
Anyway, with this new theme version, it didn’t fix or change my topbar issue at all. The PHONE NUMBER is still larger than the other elements in the container, and has been moved down, ONLY when a hyperlink is added to my ADDRESS. If I take away the hyperlink from my ADDRESS, then the PHONE NUMBER goes back to normal.
I also tried activating the Jevelin theme and deactivating the Child Theme as you suggested, and the issue still prevails. So it is not a child theme issue.
I have attached some screenshots to try to help you figure out this issue with your theme. When using inspector, you can see that the div for each element in the top bar is similar, EXCEPT the phone number element. Each element shows the “span” while the phone number does not. Just wanted to point this out in case it helps you figure out the problem.
Again, everything looks great without adding a hyperlink to the ADDRESS. But when I add a hyperlink to the address, it messes up the PHONE NUMBER, which I am not trying to change.
Please advise.
Close! But if you look at my site now, the phone number is still slightly below the other elements in the container. And it also messed up the clickable area for the phone number as well as the “Spec Data Sheets” clickable area. Please advise. Thanks!
Hello, thank you for the attempt! But as you can see, it doesn’t fix my problem. The first picture I attached is the desired look I want. With your supplied code, the padding on top is still messed up, AND the phone number has been pushed down. It is no longer in line with the other elements of the top bar.
Again, everything looks great without adding a hyperlink to the ADDRESS, as shown in my first attached picture. But when I add a hyperlink to the address, it messes up the PHONE NUMBER, which I am not trying to change. This makes no sense to me, and I cannot figure out why this is happening.
Please help me fix this problem and I will be forever grateful. Thank you!
I haven’t altered any theme files except custom css. Are you telling me to try activating the jevelin theme and deactivate the child theme? Why would using the child theme be an issue?
And no, I don’t use Yellow Pencil. I use custom css. I have already altered the container and have everything styled the way I want it. But the problem occurs only when I add a hyperlink to the ADDRESS. The problem is that when I add a hyperlink to the ADDRESS, the PHONE NUMBER text gets bigger, which I don’t want the phone number size to change. And it messes up my container padding that I’ve already edited using CSS.
I’m trying to explain this the best I can. I’ve been looking through the source code for hours and hours and cannot figure out why adding a hyperlink to the ADDRESS would change the PHONE NUMBER size and mess up the container when there are already other hyperlinks in the container that do not mess it up.
Can you please help me fix this? I don’t use YellowPencil.
I haven’t changed anything for the phone number, yet it still gets bigger and messes up the padding. The phone number was already a hyperlink to call the number. And the “Spec Data Sheets” is already a hyperlink too and doesn’t mess up anything. Even if I style the address using CSS to make it white, the phone number has still been altered somehow, and the padding of the container is still messed up because of the phone number, not the address.
How can I fix this?
Thank you.
Yes I resolved this issue. Thanks!
Thanks for your help. However, when I look at my Theme Settings > Appearance > Custom Code CSS, and find the .footerbutton in my custom css, it has no media query next to it.
Also, I have many other buttons on the home page that aren’t being styled. None of those button classes have media queries next to it.
Any other ideas?
Yes, I have shared the password to view my site in the private field.
Thank you!
Ok, should I delete the old theme version before or after I install the new theme version?
Thank you for your help! I have just tried updating my Jevelin theme, but I’m not sure if it worked. It’s not showing me my current theme version in my wordpress Jevelin dashboard. I will link my website in the private info field.
Can you check if I’m running the current version?
If it didn’t work, can you help me update it using manual file uploading? Do I need to delete current parent theme first, since I am using a child theme? Do I need to activate new parent theme when I upload it?
Great, thank you!
I actually just figured it out using this code:
#page-container .sh-nav > a {
padding: 0px 10px !important;
margin: 0px -10px !important;
.sh-nav {
padding: 0px !important;
margin: 15px !important;
My question.. is that code okay to use?
Does it have something to do with the code you gave me previously to stop the header from resizing when scrolling down?
.sh-sticky-header-active .sh-nav > > a {
padding: 30px 0 !important;
That didn’t work either.. it just made the clickable area even smaller, but didn’t affect the hover area.
Perfect! Thank you so much!
Thank you very much. That works for the clickable area, but not the hover. The hover area is still the full height of the header. Is there something we can add to the code to fix the hover area too? I would greatly appreciate it. This is one of the last questions I have. You have done an excellent job of helping me get this theme set up!
I’ve tried that for hours and it doesn’t work. Can you please just tell me the css code to fix this? Simply just keeping the columns the same size when the browser resizes. I would greatly appreciate if you could give me the custom css to fix this.