I tried, but the problem still occurs. I even disabled the maintenance mode temporarily and tested it in the live mode, but it is still the same result.
I cleared the cache in it does work on your demo site now, but still not on our own site. We tested in on 3 different computers.
See the screenshot attached.
Best regards
The problem still occurs both on our site and on your demo site https://jevelin.shufflehound.com/
Best regards
do you have any updates on the issue with the Logo link in Internet Explorer?
I have tested it both with the parent theme and your demo site and for both the link behind the logo does not work in IE. In Firefox, it works fine for both though.
Any ideas?
Best regards
Yes, I am using the latest version of the them. The URL is sachjournal.blog. It is currently in maintenance mode, but I did send you guys login credentials to the backend a while ago via email and they are still valid. So you can login and see the site for troubelshooting.
Best regards
Do any of the new strings concern the front end of the theme?
Solution for this topic
You are right, it works for me now. I am not sure why it wasn’t working before.
The same problems still occurs. After you copied the CSS code into the style.css file, it was both in the style.css and in the custom code field of the the theme settings. When I deleted the code from the custom code fields in the theme settings, the css from the style.css file is not being recognized. I did clear my cache and even tested it on another computer; and both times it did not work for me.
Best regards
Hello again,
The site is in maintenance mode, so if I send you the link it won’t work. A while ago, I sent you login credentials which are still valid for you to access the backend and frontend despite the maintenance mode. Do you still have access to those login details? The URL is sachjournal.blog and the css code is for the 404 error page.
Please note that the css code is not currenlt you the style.css file of the child theme, as this didn’t work for me. It is rather in the Custom Code CSS in the Theme Settings. You would have to copy the code in question to style.css please.
Best regards
thank you for the hint. I have attached the child theme to this post. The CSS code is below:
.sh-404 {
.sh-404-title {
font-size: 30px;
padding: 20px 0;
.sh-404-text {
padding: 10px 0 5px 0;
.sh-404-text-spacing {
margin:10px 0;
.sh-404-search-form {
.sh-404-search-field {
.sh-404-search-submit {
background-color: #c10525;
border: none;
color: white;
text-align: center;
text-decoration: none;
display: inline-block;
font-size: 16px;
padding: 3px 10px;
-webkit-transition-duration: 0.4s;
transition-duration: 0.4s;
.sh-404-search-submit:hover {
I would like to do that, but how do I share my child theme with you?
Best regards
Thanks a lot. It worked well.
Thank you very much for the suggestions. How would I translate the theme?
Best regards
The problem seems to be caused by the Jetpack plugin. When I deactivated it I can change the text. Since I can’t really afford to deactivate Jetpack permanently, I deactivated it temproarily, changed the notice text and then acrtivated Jetpack again and the text remains changed. That is good. However the field is now greyed out again and I would have to deactivate Jetpack again to make changes. So it’s not the best solution, but it works for now.
Another questions related to this: how can I change the text in the button that currently says ‘Got it’ to confirm the notice?
Best regards
Never mind my last post. I cleared the cache of my browser and now it works. Thank you for the solution.
the problem still occurs. I have attached a screenshot to this post.
Best regards
Thank you very much. That worked well 🙂
thank you very much for your response. I installed the new theme. I downloaded it from Envato Market, but that should be the same file, right?
There is no update available for Unyson for me. I am currently using version 2.7.6. Is that the latest?
The problem still occurs that there is no spacing between the icon and the text for the Home item of the menu list.
Any other suggestions?
Best regards
Thank you for solving this issue.
I just noticed a problem in the menu of the mobile header. I am not sure if that existed before already, but I just noticed it now when I checked your solution to the other problem.
There is no space betweeen the icon and the text of the ‘Home’ item of the menu list. Could you please suggest a solution for that as well?