Yes, we meant that its possible that some options are turned off and therefore it isn’t working. All WooComerce options should work just fine.
Can you give as an access data to your website (by sending it to support at shufflehound dot com), so we can help you faster?
Looks like your screenshot isn’t working.
Looks like a WooCommerce option issue, because we just tested it and it works just fine in our multiple installations. Can you please take a look in WooCommerce options page and see if there are no limitations, for example, under Selling Location(s) or Shipping Location(s).
Hi there,
Can you give us a link to your shop, so we can take a look?
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi there,
You need to import Basic demo content.
See more in our documentation about demo installation.
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Hi there,
Sorry to hear that.
We are using latest version in multiple sites and none of them have similar issue.
If you could send us login data (to support at shufflehound dot com), we could check why this is happening.
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Theme settings only come from .php files, but CSS file modification can cause some issues.
You can send us a login access data to support at shufflehound dot com and we can take a look.
Hi there,
Can you confirm that both Jevelin theme and Unyson plugin are activated?
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Thank you.
We will test this and try to come up with a solution (hopefully tomorrow).
Hi there,
Nice to hear that navigation issue is finally fixed.
Can give us more information what exactly did you mean with modal boxes?
You can try to use this function as backup – #goto-aboutus
Hi there,
If you mean left over pages/posts, you can just:
1. Select all pages (using “select all” checkbox)
2. Uncheck the pages you want to keep
3. Move to trash all the checked pages
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Thank you for lettings us know.
We will work on fix and include it in the next theme updates.
Best regards,
We have a beta version to test.
Anyone willing to test it?
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
We made some testing and we can make this work for iPone, Samsung Galaxy, etc devices in landscape mode, but in portrait mode there are too little space.
Hi there,
Sorry for the late response.
Can you please tell us on which mobile device you want this to work?
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Sorry for late response.
We are working on new Jevelin version which should roll out in next week.
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
Hi there,
This is a known issue and we are working on it to fix it in the next update.
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team
We created this template and it is included in Basic demo (will be added when installed). If you want, we can export it and send it to your email, just contact us to support at shufflehound dot com.
Hi there,
This template is called Home Basic Slider from Basic demo.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi there,
You can add !important at the end of your CSS snippets and that should overwrite it.
Like that:
.test-class {
color: red!important;
padding: 10px!important;