Hi there,
We will take a look, can you gave us a link to your website, where Google Maps element is inserted?
Best regards,
Hi there,
Can you give us a link this page?
Hi there,
Can you give us a link to the page which have this issue.
Also can you please tell us which Internet Explorer did you test?
Hi there,
Nice to hear that.
We made some tests and this is what we found:
1. Revolution slider was hidden in mobile devices due to this option below and now it is working, because is set to Visible Everywhere
2. These menus has hidden titles and therefore in mobile version there is nothing to click and open. We will try to figure out a fix for this issue in the next updates, but at the moment you can just show these titles and it will work for mobile devices.
If your website login data is still working, can we access to your website and take a look?
Hi there,
These both places share one option, therefore this is not possible.
Hi there,
There should be a new option at the bottom of General tab.
Hi there,
1. Did you select section element visibility to Visible Everywhere ?
2. We just tested your website, but we can’t see any issues with mobile navigation
Hi there,
We have a blog overlay option that can be found under Appearance > Theme Settings > Blog > Post Overlay and select Overlay 2.
Hi there,
Favicon can be changed under Appearance > Customize > Site Identity > Site Icon.
This is a built-in WordPress feature, therefore we are not allowed to overwrite it.
Looks like our server corrupted theme files, because we didn’t change anything and everything works fine now.
Please send us your website access data to [email protected], so we can take a look why these issues are happening.
Sorry for this issue, at the moment we can’t replicate it in our test servers, but we made a few changes that could fix your issue.
We can see that your page source didn’t update to the latest version, therefore please try to download our latest beta version again.
Hi there,
Sorry for that, it should have worked.
Please try our latest beta from here, we made some changes.
This looks like a bug, therefore we made a few improvements.
Please test our latest beta from here, and let us know if this fixes your issue.
We created a beta version where this issue should be fixed. Please download it here. Then go to Appearance > Theme Settings > API Key and follow instructions to get your Google Maps key and paste/save it.
Let us know if that works.
Hi there,
Looks like you are looking for the mega menu option.
You can enable it in Menus pages by clicking Use as Mega Menu checkbox for specific items.
We are glad that we could help.
Best regards,
Shufflehound Team