We can understand that, but it is hard to help you if we can’t access your website.
Can you please share us some screenshots regarding to this issue? Maybe then we can see what could cause you issues.
Please see our attached screenshot bellow.
That’s how we see it now, but we are not sure how can this image be so large.
Yes, we can confirm your issue, but at the moment we can’t really find the issue cause.
Would you mind if I log in to your site and do some troubleshooting? If this is ok then could you please share me your site log in details privately by adding them in the box having text “Click here to share private content. Only you and forum moderators will bee able see it.”?
Looks like it could be due to Google Maps API key issue.
Please see this topic – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35288250/google-maps-javascript-api-referernotallowedmaperror and let us know if by following it’s solutions you managed to fix this issue.
Ok, but our theme doesn’t have file named script.js. Therefore we are not sure what is the issue.
Hi there,
We are mostly using basic WooCommerce functions and don’t change it’s functionality. Therefore it more looks like WooCommerce related issue.
Is this issue happening only for products where user needs to choose an option?
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Can you please confirm that it is working fine when carousel option is disabled?
Hi there,
Please try this CSS snippet bellow:
.sh-header-mobile-navigation .sh-nav-dropdown { left: -24px; position: relative; }
Let us know if that works. 🙂
Hi there,
Can you please give us a link to your website, so we can take a look? (you can post it in private field)
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi there,
Can you please give us a link to your website, so we can take a look? (you can post it in private field)
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi there,
Did you managed to fix related posts issue? We can’t see them anymore.
Looks this issue can be fixed by entering product price, if you don’t want to enter it, we can give you some CSS snippet to hide it.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi there,
By inspecting your website we can see that it is related Yandex (see attached screenshot).
Maybe you have seen code before or have some Yandex plugin installed?
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Solution for this topic
Hi there,
Please try this follow CSS snippet bellow and let us know if that works.
.widget_contacts .wrap-social .sh-contacts-widget-item:last-child { display: none; }
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
You’re welcome! 🙂
Solution for this topic
Hi there,
We can understand that, so we found a topic regarding to this functionality, which you can visit here – https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22105230/move-category-description-to-bottom-of-page-on-wordpress
Let us know if that fixed your issue.
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Nice to hear that. 🙂
Hi there,
Can you please give us a link to your website, so we can take a look? (you can post it in private field)
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
Hi there,
Basic demo installation is available under Tools > Demo Content Install (in our legacy installation method).
Best regards,
Shufflehound team
You’re welcome. 🙂
Please try this CSS snippet bellow and please let us know if it is working (you can place it here – Admin Dashboard -> Appearance -> Theme Settings -> Custom Code -> CSS Code).
header.primary-desktop, .sh-sticky-header { z-index: 99!important; }